What is Risk Analysis?

Risk analysis is the determination of all kinds of problems that may endanger and threaten the working environment or the health of employees in a workplace. Thanks to risk analysis, all kinds of negative situations such as work accidents and occupational diseases can be prevente.

With the Occupational Health and Safety Law No. 6331, which came into force in 2013, it was requird for every workplace in Turkey to have a risk analysis. With risk analyses conducte by taking into account OHS legislation, potential hazards and risks are preventd and a safer working environment is creat.

Many methods are use in risk analysis. The most appropriate risk analysis method is decide by the officers who have gaine competence in this field. Which method is better may vary depending on the workplace to be analyzd. At the end of the studies, a risk analysis report is creatd and the results obtaine are evaluatd and an action plan is developd.

How to Perform Risk Analysis?

The following steps should be taken into consideration when performing risk analysis:

  • First of all, the process must be planne well.
  • Uncertainties and possible hazards should be analyzd.
  • Separate analysis should be done for each unit in the workplace.
  • A risk analysis report should be create.
  • Analysis data should be sortd by impact area and size.
  • At this stage, if the risk is large, its impact is rduce to an acceptable level korea telegram data if it is small, it is eliminate.
  • The action plan is implement by the employer.
  • The plan is re-examine from time to time.
  • Preventive work is carrid out for disrupte plans.
  • Training is providd to those intereste in the subject at the workplace.

Different methods can be usd in risk analysis, but the generally applie stages are as above. In order to perform risk analysis, it is necessary to receive training in this field and learn the necessary stages. Analysis by people who have not receivd training in this field may. As a result, cause problems to not be clearly identifie and create negative effects in terms of OHS.



What are the Steps in the Risk Analysis Process?


The steps in the risk analysis process can be liste as follows:

  • Identifying and evaluating hazards and risks
  • Classification of risks according to their magnitude
  • Determining the measures that can be taken
  • Recording of the data
  • Implementation of control measures
  • Conducting inspection, observation and improvement work when necessary.

The risk analysis process is essentially a part of crisis management . If this process continues effectively, crises can be turnd into opportunities. On the other hand, risk perception can vary depending on the culture and the level of awareness of employees. Therefore, it is important to receive training from an OHS expert in this field before implementing the above steps.

Who Can Perform Risk Analysis?


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Risk analysis can be by the following persons:

  • Employer or employer representative
  • Occupational physicians or occupational safety specialists
  • Employees’ representatives
  • Workplace support staff
  • Persons selectd to represent all departments in the workplace and who are knowlegeable about workplace activities and existing or potential sources of danger.

Basically, the employer is responsible for the risk analysis in a workplace how buying email databases can improve your business marketing  but it would be more accurate for someone with knowldge in this field to make the best assessment of the hazards that may occur in the workplace.

As a matter of fact, the people listd above are includd in the risk assessment team, but the people who take the most active role in the risk analysis and are involve in the execution of the process are workplace physicians and occupational safety experts.

In cases of accidents or injuries, risk analysts, risk assessment specialists and risk management specialists may also step in.

What are the Risk Analysis Methods?

Risk analysis methods are dividd into two basic categories: qualitative and quantitative. In quantitative methods, risk values ​​are presented as numerical data aol email list  while in qualitative methods, numerical values ​​are processed using logical methods and a risk ratio is derived. Risk analysis methods are explained in detail below.

  1. X type matrix analysis
  2. Fine-Kinney analysis
  3. Hazard and operability analysis method (HAZOP)
  4. L type matrix analysis method
  5. Fault tree analysis method (FTA)
  6. Event tree analysis method (ETA)
  7. Job safety analysis method (JSA)
  8. What if… analysis method
  9. Preliminary hazard analysis method (PHA)
  10. Failure modes and impact analysis
  11. Cause-effect analysis method

1. X Type Matrix Analysis


X type matrix analysis is performe by a team ld by an experiencd team leader. It is not possible for the analyst to apply the X type matrix alone. For example, if there is a previous accident at the workplace, an analysis is performe to prevent this accident from happening again. The possibility of the incident happening again is reviewd, and a cost analysis is performd for the measures that can be taken to eliminate the risk.

2. Fine-Kinney Analysis


In Fine-Kinney analysis, possible risks are considerd. As a result, and the possible consequences of the risks are classifie. It is a widely usd technique among risk analysis methods. The effects of the hazard on the environment, workplace and people and the extent of the damage are considere. The urgency of the measures is decide according to the magnitude of the risk value and the importance is ranke according to the risk level.



3. Hazard and Operability Analysis Method (HAZOP)


Hazard and operability analysis method (HAZOP) is mostly use in areas with critical systems such as the chemical industry. An interdisciplinary team takes part in this risk assessment method developd by the chemical industry. It is usd in areas such as determining, analyzing and eliminating accident hotspots.

In the HAZOP method, a brainstorming technique is applid by using certain guide words. Participants in the study are askd some questions and are aske to explain what consequences will occur if the events aske occur or do not occur.

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