What do you say now?

That is, who are the “players with money” ?

Yes, for example without money are:

Hobby authors, students and people who only do this on the side.

With money it is people:

Those who do it full-time: professional money within  marketers, bloggers, freelancers and non-fiction authors.

This means we have covered ingredient #1, namely the perfect target group or the “players with money”, or “ pvm ” for short.

Yes, that is a target group.

A purchasing-power target group that can and wants to spend money on content.

This is ingredient number 1 and this is the most important circle.

That’s why we do that first

You have to master this circle like this.

You cannot move on to another circle until you finish the first one.

If you have ingredient number 1, there is no point in moving on to other singapore email list ingredients.

So first of all, be clear:

#1  et group?

#2 Who within this target group also has money and wants to spend it?

(Reading tip: 17 Content Marketing Techniques )

And now we move on to ingredient number 2.

Ingredient #2: Build a good offer!
Many people think:

“Oh, I just need a good service, then people will buy on their own.”


“I just need a good product, then people will flock to my shop and I will cart the money away in a wheelbarrow.”

That’s not true.

The following example:

I am now offering you a three-room apartment.

Completely renovated and refurbished, for only €200,000.

Does that sound like a good offer?


But wait first.

The neighbors are loud, messy and party all night long  impact of the 626 area code on local identity five times a week.

Are you still willing to pay €200,000 ?

But wait, itgets even better:

The apartment is not in Germany singapore number  What do you  but in Somalia.


You see, it is not just out the product,

Build a good product, but build an even better offer with that product or service.

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