Training Options and Development Tips

Continuous learning is also important. Read books, blogs, and subscribe to newsletters to stay up to date with PHP updates and new tools.

This will help you maintain your skills at the highest level and use new technologies effectively.

To become a PHP developer, choose the learning path that’s right for you – formal education, online courses, or self-study.

Each direction has its advantages. Do not forget about the importance of participating in communities and constantly updating your knowledge to successfully develop in the profession.


Check where Linux is installed

PHYSICALDRIVE2 –partition 2the command to mount it. Here, the number 2 refers to the location of the /home and /root partitions country email list of the Linux installation. If you have an EFI partition (\boot) in Linux, you will need to use this wsl –mount \\.\PHYSICALDRIVE2 –partition 2command.


Now you will be able to access your Linux files from Debian or Ubuntu running on Windows. You can install a GUI file application like Nautilus if you don’t want to use the terminal to access files using the command sudo apt install nautilus.


Once Nautilus is installed, open

It, go to Computer, and click on Mnt. Finally, click on WSL and then PhysicalDrive2 to access your Linux files.

Note: This method will work google search console for technical seo when downloading Linux distributions from the Microsoft Store. However, avoid making changes to the Linux partition from Windows as this may cause problems and prevent the Linux installation from booting.

What you need to know Training Options and

You can modify some Linux files from Windows using tools like Notepad, which supports Unix line endings. Similarly, you can create and delete files in Linux folders.
While you can modify some lack data files, this may not be the case for all Linux files since Windows does not support all of them.
There are several shortcuts you can use when accessing Linux files and directories to speed up your workflow.
Most third-party tools allow you to access and save Linux files, but do not allow you to modify them directly.
If you plan to access files from Windows in the future, it is recommended to boot your Linux installation and create a backup.

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