The Very Hungry Caterpillar
I had heard a lot about the children’s book The Very Hungry Caterpillar, but had never read anything. Until my sister-in-law gave us a bunch of books because she was moving to a new home. So it happened that we suddenly had foreign language children’s books on the shelves. Among them were “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” * or in our case “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” * (for all of you who don’t speak English, “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”).
What is it about?
The children’s book “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” is about a little caterpillar. One day it hatches from an egg and goes in search of food. Every day it eats something different: from a single apple on Monday to two pears on Tuesday and a feast on Saturday. Each time it leaves holes in the book.
At some point the little hungry caterpillar has eaten its fill and disappears into the cocoon. For several weeks. Until it becomes a beautiful… No, I won’t tell you what becomes of the little caterpillar. You’ll have to read the book yourself.
Why do we like the book
Although we received the book in a disastrous condition, it is still a regular part of our nightly bedtime story marathon. I don’t know why the little man has become so fond of this book. He seems to like some pages particularly well. When the caterpillar hatches from the egg with a “pop!” When the part comes where it is discovered that the caterpillar is “still hungry”. And then he can hardly wait for Saturday, when the little caterpillar really stuffs its belly. Those seem to be his favorite pages.
The children’s book is a quick read with its 32 pages. This south korea mobile database means that I can read the children’s book several times in a row. This means that I can already read the book from memory and the little man can say exactly what the very hungry caterpillar is eating. That’s quite remarkable.
The fact that reading aloud is also a learning factor is irrelevant
On the one hand, counting is practiced. How an egg ultimately becomes a beautiful … And the names of the things that the caterpillar eats are also practiced. Many sentences are repeated, which means that the little man can easily repeat them – at least individual words from them.
A beautiful book with funny illustrations, but at least it matt schultz manager shows the “real” life cycle of a caterpillar. It’s short, it’s concise, and I think it’s ideal for reading with a small child. The little man already says betting email list individual words from the book.