The secret of high impressions and views on Avito

everal months ago Avito introduced a new feature, namely “Service Quality Level”. Although they claimed that it does not affect recommendations and search results, we have already noticed that with the decrease of this indicator, the statistics of impressions, views and requests fell several times.

Do you want to know how

to improve the quality of service on accurate mobile phone number list Avito and gain advantages over competitors? Then this information is for you! The quality of service on Avito is an indicator that reflects how well you work with buyers and what impression you leave. The quality of service affects how high your ads will be shown in search, on the main page and in recommendations. In addition, you can get the “Trusted Seller” badge, which will increase trust in you and your products.

Where can I see my “Quality of Service” level?

Go to your seller account in the left menu you will find a link to this indicator. Note that there are still accounts that do not have this tab. If you have a similar situation, you can contact technical support to clarify this issue.Reliability and relevance of the information in the advertisement
To determine the reality of the ad, the relevance of availability and price, Avito specialists can conduct a test purchase. They write to the seller with a request for the product and, depending on the response, there may be either a jump in ad impressions or an almost complete stop.

Plus, the site’s policy states that an ad should only list 1 product. No need to write that you make everything from toothpicks to spaceships, setting the price of the cheapest product. Selling socks for 100 rubles – list them separately from tights for 500 rubles. No need to write in a thick sheet of text that you sell 100 types of clothing, 200 types of shoes, make wardrobes, lead excursions to the desert… And I can do cross stitch and use a machine too 🙂

Confirmation of identity or legal status

Regardless of the goods and  what does a digital marketing agency do? services sold, it is worth confirming your identity or company status. This will give an additional mark in your ads “Documents verified”, which can increase the seller’s credibility. To do this, you need to upload a copy of your passport or company documents in your account settings.

– Terms of transfer of goods for delivery, presence of refusals to fulfill the order
Use Avito delivery if it is possible in your business area. Avito delivery is a convenient and safe way to send goods to the buyer via courier or mail. This will save you time and money, and also increase the chances of selling, since buyers will be able to pay for the goods after receiving and checking them. Avito delivery is taken into account when calculating the quality of service, so try to send goods quickly and without canceling orders.

– Response time to messages and calls from customers, no missed calls
Try to respond as soon as possible. Firstly, it will show your interest and increase the probability of a deal. Secondly, people in our age of high competition and fast Internet will not wait long. They will write to 5 sellers and choose the one who will respond faster and sell their goods with the same price and rating.

Slow response to messages during

business hours and missed calls ar numbers  via Avito lead to a decrease in the quality of service and, as a result, a significant reduction in ad impressions. Statistics on missed calls can be seen in the Avito pro account. Here you can also listen to answered calls.

Statistics on calls in the Avito pro account

To avoid this, you can connect an answering machine to messages or calls, which will inform buyers about your working hours, delivery conditions or other important details. The answering machine will be able to start a conversation or correspondence and Avito will count the fast response speed and the absence of missed calls. Do not ignore messages and calls, even if they are not targeted or inconvenient, but answer them correctly and politely.

– Reply to reviews
Try to leave comments on every review: both positive and negative. Thank the person for taking the time to share their opinion. If the negative review is unfair, inadequate, such an event did not happen, or the review was left by a competitor, you can contact support to dispute it. In this case, it is better to save correspondence and calls if possible. How to respond to reviews, we have already described in the article:

These are just the metrics that the platform reveals.

Avito also provides recommendations based on your current situation, indicating if you are doing something wrong or not taking enough action to improve your ranking. For example, Avito advised one of our clients to:

Recommendations for improving the quality level on AvitoAvito analyzes your account statistics, considering all indicators for the last 30 days, not necessarily sequentially. Only those days are taken into account when active ads were posted on your profile. Thus, it is quite possible to improve your profile within 30 days, moving from yellow to green. However, with the red level, it will be much more difficult.

The page for this metric details what

influences the rating, what the quality is, what tiers there are and what they provide, who sees the data, etc. If there are no recommendations, then you have already extracted the maximum from your account.

When you create an account and the service quality assessment tool for new accounts appears, users automatically receive the standard yellow level. It is important to monitor the quality indicator and promptly implement recommendations. This will help save money by appearing in the recommendations block.

Congratulations to everyone who has a green level, i.e. those who make efforts and actively interact with the platform.
If you need help in promoting a store on Avito, our experts are always ready to help you develop a successful store on the site.

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