The impact and responsibility of companies in choosing their CRM solution

The majority of tools on the market are SaaS “Software as a Service” tools. This means that the application software solution is hosted in the Cloud and accessible on demand via a simple internet connection. Hosting is therefore guaranteed by data centers. However, the latter consume significant water and electricity resources, necessary in particular for cooling IT installations.

While data center consumption does not represent the largest share of the digital sector’s carbon footprint, it is their operation that poses a problem. The manufacture of machines requires the exploitation of many metals and other resources and they themselves remain, to this day, very little recyclable.

For their part, publishers such as Salesforce

Microsoft, SAP and Oracle present a sustainable development policy by regularly publishing the carbon. Impact of their solutions in complete transparency.

However, this does not seem to impact their targets. According to the latest Gartner study, “ Software Market Insights: Customer Relationship Management (CRM) ,” buyers are increasingly. Prioritizing criteria colombia phone number library such as ease of use, features and price of the tool when selecting vendors.

The user of a CRM tool remains a consumer in his own right who directs demand. If the CSR dimension is integrated into the specifications, or regularly highlighted. On comparison sites, it will then become a selection criterion.

Other elements can also be taken into account, such as the origin of the publisher. Its establishment in the local economic fabric, its ethical principles, or its certifications. Does it go further in its approach by tackling the problem of manufacturing data centers and operating. The resources they require?

It is important to remember that using a low-carbon tool in its IT ecosystem allows the buyer to reduce their own carbon footprint at the same time!

The impact of CRM strategy activation by tool users

To reduce their carbon impact and adopt digital sobriety, all players in uab directory the sector, from supplier to user, must therefore mobilize and transform their practices.

Once the solution is deploye, what best practices can I deploy  the formation of values ​​and norms within my CRM tool to continue in this process? Let’s take the example of a Marketing Automation tool, where we have identified 2 main opportunities.

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