The hardware implementation of an algorithm results in a high level of determinism.

This means that even during the market bursts when the networks are overloaded with information, FPGA quickly transmits the data from the trading oman telegram data  venue and back. Irrespective of the network conditions . The chip always passes through the same sequence of states, providing the same output for every given input.



Since the occurrence of random events within the processing paths is very limited, FPGA components deliver a repeatable and predictable processing latency. Moreover . A finite number of operating states guarantees a lower risk of functional errors and a complete test coverage. This gives users of the FPGA-accelerated systems a high confidence in the output integrity.

CPUs, on the other hand . Are well-known for their processing randomness. This is due to the operating system and event driven interrupts which give a near-infinite number of path variations through the program flow. CPUs are then become indispensable when it comes to switching between different tasks and solving problems which are constantly changing both in size and in scope.

Accelerating the HFT Engine

Due to their parallelism and determinism, FPGA solutions can significantly accelerate the computation of mathematical models and transmission of data to the exchanges’ matching engines.Share on X

In the aggregate of their capabilities, these chips are  they make a positive impact on the local economy probably inferior to standard processors. But when it comes to the concurrent implementation of simple, repetitive, and wide tasks, FPGAs beat all the speed records ever shown by CPUs.

High Frequency Trading System Architecture

At the bare minimum, a high frequency trading system architecture always includes:

  • Input – live market data
  • Output – trading orders
  • Trading strategy – trading algorithms

The input component is responsible for the non-stop processing of the live market data and most often includes a market data parser that brings all inbound exchange protocol to a single format.

The output block is represented by an order gateway that converts internal order formats to exchange protocols. And of course, it’s up to trading algorithms to decide whether to complete a trade or not.

Naturally, any high frequency trading system architecture involves a monitoring GUI that offers candlestick charts and other diagrams to mobile list  assess the performance of an HFT system.


What HFT tasks can be processed in FPGA

Without loading a CPU, FPGA hardware is able to quickly execute various trading tasks, which among others include:

  • Parsing the incoming data, providing data filtering, decoding, and normalization
  • Carrying out pre-trade volume, price, and collateral checks
  • Monitoring the value and loss scenarios of financial portfolios on an ongoing basis
  • Calculating yields from fixed income investments, prices of securities and their derivatives
  • Generating outgoing orders, transmitting them to the matching engines

Custom FPGA Design Solutions

Our customers ask about implementing their strategies in FPGA. We thought that sharing Velvetech’s expertise in custom FPGA Design Solutions would be an interesting conversation. See below a few quick examples of how custom FPGA programming can work for traders:

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