The big copywriting lie!

Here is the transcript:
This copywriting lie costs you traffic clicks and customers.


You will find out in this video.

I’ll clear up a big misconception about copywriting
and also tell you why this copywriting lie! misconception is holding you back:

to get more readers
sell more books
sell more courses
If you want to know what a misunderstanding this is, what a big lie is floating around on the Internet – then stay tuned.

Let’s get started:

I hear it again and again.

I see it again and again.

In videos, in articles.

People write:

“Copywriting vs. Content south korea phone number list Writing! – What’s the Difference?”


“Why is content writing different from copywriting?”


People who write such things have no idea


There are 4 commandments in copywriting:

Copy is designed to timothy borchers estate planning law specialist* grab the reader’s attention; then pique their interest;
satisfy their desires agent email list and call them to action.

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