Some of the biggest challenges that science communication faces right now is how to cut through the myriad of information sources that are out there, to make sure that the findings and exciting discoveries of science are able to make it through the morass. To that end, I think science communication needs to focus on also understanding how our information communication technology, on the kind of algorithmic front, the way that it connects, for example, climate change, with flat Earth issues with anti-vaccine movements.
Courtney C. Radsch
When there’s a new topic like COVID, or some new discovery where very little information exists about it online, this is a time when disinformation flourishes. And we see that especially actors that are seeking to monetize disinformation, will try to fill those information voids.Another of the challenges with science is that it can be complex, and you know, tik toks, and Instagram posts and
tweets don’t do well phone number library with complexity. And yet that is the dominant way that we communicate.
Guy Berger
My biggest concern with these 5 tips to profit from your blog so-called “fake news laws” is that it implies that everything can be true or false. And of course, we know from science that is not the case. There’s a big grey area in between.Harvey Liszt, acknowledges “our work is highly specialized and often regarded as arcane… Recruitment is tough.” He emphasizes that the tasks can be laborious, demanding a steep learning curve and offering little recognition. However, Liszt remains hopeful that more scientists will aqb directory join the cause, particularly due to the escalating frequency of satellite launches in low Earth orbit, intensifying the strain on radio-based research. Liszt explained that commercial constellations unintentionally interfere with scientific research, akin to “photo bombing” in the realm of astronomy.
And it really
lends itself to abuse. So you saw it during the pandemic, for example, journalists being jailed for fake news. But actually what they had been reporting was corruption in the COVID procurement process. And so this is something that I think science has got a great role to play to help policymakers get it right.