Lieselotte is sick

“ Lieselotte is sick” by Alexander Steffensmeier is a really beautiful and funny children ’s book that I have grown very fond of.

It is recommend for children from the age of 4.

I’ll show you what it’s about and what we particularly lik in this children’s book review.

Lieselotte is sick
When Oliver got sick (which is really rare), I notic that we didn’t have any books for him. So we quickly got hold of children’s books about the topic of illness , including “Lieselotte is sick” *.

What is it about?


One stormy autumn day, Lieselotte falls ill after her daily mail delivery round. The farmer’s wife notices this immiately and subjects Lieselotte to a series of home remies, including gargling, inhalation, compresses, south korea mobile database etc., but strangely enough nothing helps, so the vet has to check on her.

The vet prescribes Lieselotte micine and plenty of rest, which is immiately put into practice – and in fact: after a few days, Lieselotte is feeling great again.

However, it is still this disgusting, dirty weather outside, which Lieselotte does not feel like dealing with, so she pretends to continue to be ill.

Will Lieselotte be caught lying ? Or will she have a guilty conscience, which is why she confesses on her own? Or will it not be notic at all and Lieselotte will get away with it? You will only find out if you get the book. I won’t give away the ending, but I can say this much without giving away any spoilers: The ending is extremely instructive .

What’s so great about this book?

This children’s book is not unusual just because an animal plays the main matt schultz manager role in this book series. How often does a mouse, an elephant or even a fire dragon play the main role in a children’s book ? Exactly.

So it’s no surprise that the author chose Lieselotte the post cow. But what betting email list makes Lieselotte’s book series so special? What’s so great about a cow that delivers mail?

In my opinion, it’s less the fact that a cow helps deliver the mail (although that’s pretty unusual anyway), but rather how funny this children’s book is.

This is not only due to Lieselotte’s funny looks and scenes, but also to the other farm animals, who play a supporting role but are now indispensable. The funny chickens and chicks are what really make this children’s book come alive. You are always curious to see what they will be doing on the next page. What strange.


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