Hr and marketing

The strategy helps create the image of a good place to work and becomes a dream job for many people.

Since  marketing  must start from the inside out, we will give 10 tips on how to implement an endomarketing strategy in your company.

Keep reading!

What does endomarketing mean?

Endomarketing is an  institutional marketing strategy aimed at internal actions . It is also known as Internal Marketing and seeks to improve the company’s image among its employees, resulting in a motivated team and reducing turnover.

Some people call this strategy “Internal Marketing” because it works on employees’ perception of the company, considering their demands and presenting new ways to transform them into brand evangelizers.

This causes all these people to have a different perception of that business: they begin to see the company in a more human and charismatic way, developing a feeling of “adoration” for the business.

Considering the huge number of new companies emerging every day, when we think about this type of influence, we need to consider that if large companies stand out in the market in this way, why not do the same?

Despite its name, endomarketing is not limited to marketing actions.

This is a combination of actions between HR and the company’s marketing department. HR needs to be attentive to the needs of its employees, transforming problems into opportunities for improvement and working to guarantee them the best working environment.

Endomarketing motivates employees, making them feel like an important part of the institution.

To do this, HR and the marketing team need to work together, developing day-to-day activities to motivate the team: actions that encourage family participation with the company, training to train employees, exchange of experiences between collaborators, appreciation of individual and team performance.

Companies that understand the importance of endomarketing end up standing out considerably in the market.

Why work on endomarketing?

Before investing in this strategy, it is essential to understand how it affects the company. When employees are happier with the place where they work, their performance is better and they are more willing to work. This reduces certain expenses within the company and increases positive results.

1. More motivated collaborators

Endomarketing promotes employee motivation. This happens because the company is more open to ideas and improvements that employees offer. Employee motivation increases when they notice that they are in an environment that cares about the quality of work and their well-being.

2. Productivity optimization

Just like motivation, productivity also becomes a reality with good endomarketing strategies.

When employees feel more motivated and satisfied with their work, they perform it better, with a more proactive attitude and guaranteeing better results.

3. Lower staff turnover

When we think about more motivated and satisfied employees, we notice that staff turnover is decreasing, and few are willing to leave the company, not only thinking about the salary, but also about the importance that the company gives them.

4. More loyal and committed collaborators

Put yourself in the employee’s shoes: you would also feel more welcomed by a company that cares about your needs and suggestions. This directly impacts the loyalty and commitment that employees develop with the place where they work.

5. Healthier and more pleasant organizational climate

When a company cares about the quality of work and well-being of its employees, the flow of activities improves and processes are followed more precisely. This influences team performance and increases positive results.

6. Quality of work and well-being

Some activities are stressful. Many end up letting these situations affect their well-being. When the company cares about the health of its employees, the work environment becomes more pleasant and we notice a considerable improvement in the mental health of the team and a decrease in stress in the offices.

What is necessary to implement endomarketing?

The first step is to remember that endomarketing bosnia and herzegovina mobile database will work on the internal part of the company, focusing on employees and their perception of the place where they work.

HR comes in at this point, needing to find out what employees think about the company, what needs to be changed and restructured, and how the company can help them on a daily basis.

Among the most common endomarketing practices, we find team training that helps level out collaborators, promotes the exchange of experiences and increases their interaction.

The results-based bonus is given according to performance, as a way of recognizing the daily efforts of employees.

It is essential to conduct satisfaction surveys of employees, and in addition to asking for suggestions on what can be changed, questions can be asked about how this can be done.

Once all internal marketing actions have been completed, it will be possible to notice a much better atmosphere in the workplace with increasingly motivated and satisfied employees.

15 endomarketing strategies to implement

To win over clients or collaborators, communication is the main key within the company.

With this in mind, we have separated some strategies that will increase the satisfaction of your collaborators and turn them into true lovers of your brand.

1. Improvements in internal communication processes

Internal communication is the key to implementing actions that improve the work environment. It is essential that your company works to improve communication processes with employees.

It is important that dialogue within the company is reciprocal, employees also have a voice and are able to express opinions and suggest improvements. In this way, team members will feel more useful and essential to business performance, increasing motivation.

2. Motivational talks and events

With the goal of increasing motivation and using technology as a competitive advantage collaborating with the personal growth of employees, holding talks and motivational events is essential for each employee to be able to structure their professional path, setting personal growth objectives and listing goals that can be achieved with the help of the company.

3. Integration initiatives

Bringing employees closer to the company is essential.

Whether it’s a happy hour or a holiday party, companies need to invest in ways to increase closeness and friendship among their employees.

Another form of integration is the implementation of study groups to increase knowledge and well-being through the exchange of experiences and intellectual growth.

If there is a common interest among employees for specific activities, it is interesting to form groups to carry them out, making integration go beyond the work environment.

Support groups for needy entities promote the solidarity of employees, leading them to actions that make them feel needed.

We need to find ways to present the company’s b2c fax values ​​in endomarketing actions so that its employees notice that they are fundamental, not only in internal processes but also in integration with society.

4. Employee satisfaction survey

Just like customers, employees also demand satisfaction surveys.

In this way, it will be possible to implement activities that improve the work environment and positively transform the lives of these people.

Another interesting point during this survey is to obtain possible solutions to certain situations.

5. Benefits for employees

In addition to benefits such as transportation, food and medical assistance, there are other possibilities that can and should be exploited. Some companies invest in discount coupons at nearby commercial establishments.

Flexible hours and the possibility of working from home are also attractive in companies that can follow this format. These solutions make employees feel that the company trusts their competence.

Some companies also work with bonuses. Employees with the best monthly performance receive some kind of prize or bonus, whether it is an extra percentage of their salary or a product.

These benefits are capable of motivating the team, improving results due to recognition, increasing productivity, reducing costs and promoting financial and structural growth.


15. Organize business events

Every year, your business can organize an event to bring together its best clients and put them in contact with the company’s professionals. In addition to promoting customer engagement, the company will have the opportunity to demonstrate its values ​​and convey the image of a responsible and professional company.

Take advantage of the opportunity to reward the best collaborators of the year, the best clients, promote talks and quick courses and finish with a social gathering.

Use these tips as an  endomarketing strategy  for your business and you will see how all of this will bring more consistent results when executing your customer-focused marketing plan.

The first step to success is to show employees how concerned the company is about their well-being and working conditions, making them involved in the process and feeling satisfied to work on improvements together with the company.

How about learning about other ways to do internal marketing? Check out the  types of marketing  and learn how to optimize internal processes and increase your business’s profits!

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