How to set up targeting on Facebook yourself?

Targeted advertising on facebook is. Ads that are shown to users in the news. Feed or on the right side of the page. It can be customized for a specific audience. Taking into account gender, age, geolocation, interests, and other parameters. Such detailing allows you to hit the target accurately. Immediately filtering out irrelevant traffic and attracting. People who are obviously interested in your product. How to launch advertising and set up retargeting on Facebook, taking into account all the nuances? We have compiled a simple instruction that will help you create an advertising campaign from scratch.

Before we move on to explaining how to. Set up targeting on facebook correctly. It is important to clarify: facebook and instagram. Advertising account, so the proposed guide. Is equally suitable for creating online. Campaigns on both social networks.

Go to Ads Manager – Advertising Management – ​​Campaigns.


2. Click on “Create” and select the goal in the pop-up window. Let’s say it will be traffic.



4. Enter the name of the online ad group and determine where the traffic will be directed (to the website, to the application, to Messenger, WhatsApp).


5. Set a budget and schedule for launching shop online advertising.

 In the menu that opens, enter the name of the Facebook campaign and click “Next

6. Specify the characteristics of the target audience. The system allows you to specify a large number of attributes, set up detailed Facebook targeting by interests, cities, income. In the “language” block, it is better to choose the one in which your ad will be.


7. Go to “Placements”. Online advertising will be but if you address a big need, you will earn a lot automatically shown on Facebook, Instagram, Messenger. But you can manually mark specific placements.

 Next step: set the optimization for the actions you need

Optionally, specify the maximum bid.


9. Click “Next” and go to the ad creation menu. Specify the name. Mark the pages on Facebook and Instagram.

10. After that, we proceed directly to setting up the Facebook ad. We decide on the format (one picture/video or carousel gallery), upload photo and video files, enter the title, main text, and description in the corresponding fields. Fill in the parameters for tracking online traffic, select one of the call-to-action buttons, and click “Publish”.


Based on this plan, you will be able to set up targeting of advertising on Facebook, add online ads, and optimize them.

How to set up dynamic remarketing on Facebook?

Such a “reminder” encourages a phone number germany person to visit your page or website again. To set up dynamic remarketing on Facebook, you will need.



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