Information is valuable for companies to learn more about their audience, their market, and their
internal results. To gain this knowledge, it is essential to start with data collection and analysis.
Today, data is a real goldmine , precisely because we live in the digital age. It is a strategic asset
that will allow your company to adapt to be more precise in every step it takes.
Successful use of data requires productive and, above all, strategic collection. It is not enough to
simply capture content: it is important to know where to look for it, how to structure it for analysis and, finally, how this information will be used.
In addition to this planning, it is also essential to define what tools will be used to collect and then analyze.
In this post we will talk more about the importance of data collection, how to do it and what benefits can be obtained from this very important task in Digital Marketing . Specifically, you will learn about the following points:
- What is data collection?
- How important is data collection?
- How to collect data in marketing?
- What are the main tools for collecting data?
- Google Analytics
- What are the benefits of good data collection?
Keep reading!
What is data collection?
Data collection is a process intended to capture strategic content that can be found in
analytics tools, forms, and other ukraine phone number list software that retain this information.
This process aims to provide companies with in-depth knowledge of the results of their sectors, the
market, consumer perception and overall business performance.
As much as data collection may seem like an extraordinary event, it is just a routine activity in the daily life of companies.
Today, data is considered an extremely valuable asset in any market , simply because it can
translate business results and external perceptions about products, services and brand.
In a digitalized world, data is everywhere and is generated from a simple consumer interaction with a company’s website.
In addition to these navigation indicators, there is also information about interactions with social
media posts, responses to email marketing campaigns and a number of other possibilities.
Given these current practices, all responses and actions generate data that, for companies, are faithful translations of how the customer acts, what they think and how they react to what marketing campaigns propose .
In this sense, collection is a recurring process that seeks to gather all this content to analyze it and then transform it into strategic information.
How important is data collection?
Data collection work becomes instagram engagement rate: 9.9% essential when companies understand that it must be part of the routine.
If digital is the current dominant environment and marketing strategies span it, it is certain that data translates everything a company needs to know .
Thanks to data, it is possible to optimize actions, plan more appropriate campaigns, know what your
consumer thinks about your company and continually act strategically, seeking improvements.
To do this, it is essential to have continuous access to the data, understanding what it has to say to
the analysis teams, who transmit it to the corresponding interested parties.
Below, we show you the main uses of this information in business routine and in the marketing field.
Define and feed strategic KPIs
KPIs are the key strategic indicators that a sg number company uses and are essential for monitoring important metrics.
With them it is possible to know the number of leads acquired in a given period of time, the average ticket of an e-commerce , among other data.
Control through these indicators is precise and, in addition, can be carried out continuously, always with updated data that provide an accurate perception of the company.
For this to be possible, data collection must be constant, so that KPIs are always up to date.
Detecting public actions and satisfaction
The public will interact with sponsored posts and links, browse websites and e-commerce sites,
request services, and more. Each of these actions will have a different importance for the company, so
it is essential to closely monitor and monitor each step of the user.
Only with active data collection is this possible. Gathering information from your main sources is
what will allow you to know, in addition to what the public does, what they have been thinking about
the company’s services and products.
A good data collection should be able to reach this information through the main media, ensuring a
broad perception of each consumer’s expectations and opinions about the company.
Developing customer relationships
Since this collection brings with it the perceptions, opinions and habits of consumers, it is possible to use all this information to develop the relationship with them.
If the company understands what the public expects, it is easier to deliver communications, services, products and services appropriate to this expectation.
Additionally, the data provided by consumers can be important to generate individual records of them, using a CRM tool .
It is essential to develop a strategic relationship, which includes cutting-edge service and generates sales opportunities that are more appropriate for each person.
Structure campaigns and actions optimally
With data in hand, a company can know which channels its consumer is on, what their preferences are regarding services and products, how they interact with actions, among other important details.
From there, developing campaigns becomes easier as the marketing team has a greater understanding of what might work with their audience.
For this to be possible, continuous data collection work is essential . Only constant monitoring will allow the marketing team to develop a strategic understanding, creating Buyer Personas that faithfully represent the company’s average consumer and their expectations.
This way, campaigns will be more precise and have a greater impact on the audience.