Google able to discern all that from the on-page content alone?

Mueller hasn’t commented on the inbound links’ authority component, although he does state that Google will continue to benefit from them for content discovery.

Mueller ends the talk, saying:

“And to some extent, links will always be something that we care about because we have to find pages somehow. It’s like how do you find a page on the web without some reference to it?”

But my guess is over time, it won’t be such a big factor as sometimes it is today. I think already, that’s something that’s been changing quite a bit.”


Google Sets in Motion .rsvp Domains for Event Promotions

Google has announced that businesses can rcs data now register for new . rsvp domains, which could make it easier for people to remember the URL to connect to your upcoming event.

You can now use to register an .rsvp domain for your business, especially if you need your guests to confirm their attendance or plans with you. With this, you can have “” as your domain name.

Google says that .rsvp domain names are currently available as part of its Early Access Program, with all domains soon to be made publicly available, at variable fees.

How to use it

On the site, you can check for availability of your chosen .rsvp URL:

After that, you can pay a one-time charge website loading speed to register the domain name with the service provider of your choosing.

The link will then go to your website or a special page you design, and you may utilize that domain as a referral driver for your event registration or promotions.


Instagram Lets Users Schedule Posts and Reels

Instagram users will soon be able to plan posts and reels in the mobile app.

Professional Instagram users can schedule ukraine business directory posts and clips directly from the mobile app up to 75 days in advance.

Instagram postings couldn’t be scheduled in the app up until now. Previously, users had to use desktop programs like Meta Business Suite or go through third-party apps. Now, all you need is the iOS or Android app already installed on your phone to schedule Instagram content.

The catch is that you need to have a professional account. If you use Instagram for business, you likely have a professional account. If not, it’s free and easy to upgrade from a standard account.

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