Discover how to boost sales through social media

Make sure you are present on the Discover how  social networks where your target audience is and study digital marketing to get the most out of them.

61 % of companies that implement social selling as part of their process have seen revenue growth.

5. Telemrketing
Telemarketing is the process by which a company attempts to sell its products and services through telephone contact.

41.2 % of sales reps say their phone is the most


Effective tool for doing their jobs because it allows them to get to know their leads better and easily obtain information.

Its advantages include imm.iate contact, personaliz. attention, flexibility to reorient strategies bas. on what works and what doesn’t, as well as the database with contacts that might not be reach. otherwise.

The main disadvantage of telemarketing is that consumers become uncomfortable when contact. and for this reason sales representatives often call six times before successfully reaching their prospect.

Research shows that more than half of consumers (58%) are interest. in discussing pricing during the first call. Meanwhile, others want to know how the product works (54%) , understand what the company is trying to achieve (47%) , how similar organizations use the product (44%) and why they should buy (37%) .

Companies that choose to overseas data use telemarketing to contact their customers must have a well-train. team that uses language correctly, has strong communication skills and uses telephone sales techniques well .

Direct sales Discover how

Direct sales have many similarities with physical stores, but they differ in that they do not have a fix. location.

In the case of direct sales, sales representatives can take the products or services to the customer, so it is often necessary for them comparison with other search engines to have a vehicle to get around. This is usually an excellent option for companies that are just starting out or for self-employ. sellers.

On the other hand, to carry it phone number germany  out requires a careful organization of the agenda, time for travel and a budget for expenses, since they must be offset by sales to avoid losses.

How to choose the best channel for your strategy?
Each business has its own particularities and studies must be carri. out to plan bas. on the goals set for the target audience.

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