Definition use and comparison with other search engines

At this stage, the developers are keen to get more and more users to try out SearchGPT in order to get their feedback and improve it. In fact, in developing the tool they have collaborated with media outlets and associations such as The Wall Street Journal and The Associated Press, which have provided valuable feedback on the functioning of SearchGPT in order to improve it.

On the other hand, OpenAI also wants europe cell phone number list to give media publishers the power to decide how they appear in the search results of this tool. They can even choose to decide that their content is not used to train the Artificial Intelligence behind this tool, which would not be an impediment to continuing to appear in the results as a source.

However, the ultimate goal is not for SearchGPT to be a standalone tool, but rather to be integrated into ChatGPT . Therefore, its existence as a separate platform is going to be temporary, although we still don’t know when they will take the step and open it to the public or whether access to it will be free or not.

How will it affect SEO?

The truth is that tools like SearchGPT can be a real threat to traditional search engines as we know them, causing them to lose users. In fact, Google and Microsoft (in their Bing search engine) have already incorporated functionalities with Artificial Intelligence in order not to be left behind and to remain competitive against this type of tools.

In this sense, if the use of this type of technology is successful and becomes widespread, the world of SEO may undergo major changes, much bigger than those it has experienced so far. And if AI becomes the technology that guides user negotiations are the basis of everything searches, the rules of positioning may change.

This doesn’t mean that SEO will disappear, but the way content is positioned in the SERP may change, as it should be noted that in SearchGPT it is not necessary to use specific keywords. Instead, a more natural and conversational language can be used.

In other words, working on SEO will always be important because there will always be a way to position one piece of information over another, but as professionals it is important to stay up to date with the latest developments in order to european union phone number adapt our strategies.

SearchGPT Uses in Digital Marketing

Now that you know what this tool is and what it is capable of, we want you to know how you can get the most out of it once it is available to the Definition use and comparison general public. That is why, in this section, we share with you some uses that SearchGPT can have in digital marketing. We can tell you right away that it is useful, above all, for copywriters and content writers.

  1. Source research : Content writers can more quickly find reliable sources to draw on when developing their texts.
  2. Trend research : both strategists and content writers can find in this Artificial Intelligence a great ally when it comes to finding current topics of relevance to, perhaps, integrate them into their social media or blog strategy.
  3. Concept search : If as a writer or copywriter you want to understand a complex concept in a field of knowledge in order to develop your texts optimally, in this tool you can find a clear and concise answer to your questions and thus speed up your creative process. And, if you want to delve deeper into it, the tool will provide you with the sources to do

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