For instance, if you know you’re going Characteristics. Of goods to sell phone number database a lot of products in China during the Lunar New Year in February, it would be smart to move more inventory to that region to prepare for the sales season.
Other storage-related requirements on your international warehouse checklist include:
>>>>>Equipment available to handle the goods
Estimated duration of storage needed
Need for third-party logistic activities
Size of the warehouse
Past clients the warehouse has worked with
Security of the warehouse
Storage requirements of your company
Image from Go Supply Chain</p>
When scouting international warehouse options, focus on a layout that facilitates growth and allocates you more space as you need
it. You want your business to scale with the warehouse, instead of having to find a new one every year or two.
<p>5. Check international warehousing software capabilities
Some 36% of warehouses say the number of pallets they’ve shipped internationally over the past two years have increased. With this demand comes extra pressure. Make sure your partner is well-equipped to scale as your business does using warehousing technology like:
RFID scanners
Warehouse management Characteristics of goods software
>>>>Collaborative robots, like Chuck
“As an integral part of your 3PL partnership, the key thing to look at in an international warehouse—beyond, services, space, and pricing—is what technologies they use,” says Robin H. Smith, co-founder of VL OMNI, another Shopify Plus how to create viral content Technology Partner.
According to Robin, there are four levels of players:
The big brands who are heavily invested in solid technology
Robin says international warehouses that fall betting email list into the last category play on price: “Make sure your partner is giving you a clear picture of what their technology is, who supports it, and how flexible it is. Only then begin negotiating on price.