But if you address a big need, you will earn a lot

What benefit can I bring and what need can I meet?”

He helps companies hold better workshops and meetings and find creative solutions for meetings.

In this way he met a need and combined his passion with it .

That’s why I don’t just ask what I enjoy, but also what the market  uae email list wants and what problem I can solve for the target group with money.

Another example is Alex Hormozi

He was a fitness enthusiast and gym owner.

He could havegone the influencer route and simply posted himself.

Share photos on Instagram.

Maybe sell his e-book.

However, the need for another fitness influencer was very low.

Therefore, he would have received a very low score as an influencer.

What did he do?

Instead of positioning himself as an influencer, he went to other gym owners and helped them gain more sales and more customers .

He addressed completely different need, one that is much larger, and thereby  singapore number scored highly in the content business.

If you want to build a business as a content creator, But if you  success depends top 3 advantages of implementing a crm largely on the problem you are solving.

If you solve  problem that has only a small pain point, you will earn little.

Now we move on to the fourth commandment.

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