Brand and Conversion Lift

Self-Service : via the use of the Experiences tool which allows advertisers to set up studies independently for each of their campaigns (A/B Test, Brand Survey, Campaign Budget Optimization Test).
>Managed-Service : personalized support from a Facebook representative which covers: preparation, implementation and analysis of results.
what are the benefits for advertisers?
These studies present several benefits for advertisers:

No additional costs

Apart from the prerequisites mentioned above, the implementation of these studies does not represent any additional costs.

Providing answers to business and operational issues
The Brand and Conversion Lift studies offered by. Facebook egypt phone number library make it possible to respond to different types of issues

Business issues (relating to Marketing and Media strategy): For example, you can find the best balance. Media investments to generate sales: comparison of incremental sales with different budget allocations by. Media phase (larger share on the Awareness, Consideration or Conversion phase)
Operational issues related to campaign tactics: For example, you could adopt brand messages and/or promotional messages. Which combination of messages generates the most incremental conversions (broadcasting a message around the brand only, broadcasting a message focused on the promotion only, simultaneously broadcasting a message around the brand and a message focused on the promotion)
More Insights and more depth to the results:

These studies Provide more Depth

Media campaigns and complement the available performance indicators. By implementing incremental measurement via indicators ranging from Branding. Performance, both qualitative (brand metrics: advertising uab directory recall, brand awareness, purchase consideration. Quantitative (cost per incremental conversion, incremental sales, etc.)

Freeing oneself from a measurement methodology based on google wedding planner cookies or the consent of the Internet user.
>At a time when the digital advertising market is entering the “post-cookie era” and is facing constraints related to the privacy. Of Internet users, Brand and Conversion Lift studies are an alternative to the changing context of Media Measurement.

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