Blogging about current topics! Why why not?

MH17 plane crash, Charlie Hebdo, the Zwarte Piet discussion, the new year, Blue Monday, Christmas and the list could be much longer. In recent months I have come across many blog posts that were about the same subjects. One week it is the good intentions and the next week it is a long read about freedom of the press, but one thing is clear. When something happens, the whole blogland writes about this subject. Of course blogging about current topics has advantages, but are there also disadvantages?

Pros and cons of blogging about current topics

Blog posts can be scheduled in advance. The special (holiday) days come back every year, so you can write and schedule your blog posts in advance. Everyone knows that February 14 is Valentine’s Day and that Farmer Wants a Wife is broadcast on Sunday evening. Please note! Of course, this is only possible on important days and not on current events, such as a plane crash.

A boost to visitors . Because the topic is current, many people will want to read it. After an exceptional event or the days before an important holiday, people will look for more information. If you play into this as a blogger, you will suddenly have more visitors than normal.

Easy to spread

The reason is clear . Everyone knows why you wrote this blog post. The reason is the current event. Nice and easy, because this way you don’t have to come up with the reason yourself.

The topic is not original

If everyone writes about the same things: the how to build telemarketing data intentions, the facts of an event etc., is it still interesting for the reader? Of course you can give your own twist to the article, but how many bloggers do this? Every blogger states that it is important to create unique content, but how unique were all those “je suis Charlie” stories?

The event is not relevant to your blog

How to Build Telemarketing Data

What blogger could really write about Farmer Wants a Wife? Precisely only the blogs that are about Farmer Wants a Wife or television programs. In addition, there is a big chance that this blog post will never be found via Google, because this topic does not fit with the rest of your articles.

Visitors do not click further

The number of visitors may increase in one tallace-tallacen abubuwan dabaru a cikin b2b day, but these are not the visitors you want. When visitors come to your blog for the Boer zoekt Vrouw or Je suis Charlie article, they will only read that article. The other articles will often not be interesting for this reader. As a blogger, you are of course looking for followers and not just readers.

The topic is only interesting for a short time

The gift tips for Valentine’s Day or the clothing tips for Halloween will still be interesting next year, but a blog post about MH17? After 2 weeks, most blog posts about current events are no longer relevant and no one will read these blog posts anymore. What do you do then and how long do you keep the article on your website?

Current events are not the answer!

Current topics can be useful if you have no america phone number inspiration, but it is not really the right solution for your problem. Do you not know what to write about? Maybe the topic does not suit you or maybe you do not have a clear topic for your blog yet! Topics only arise when you want to tell your readers something, want to share something or want to learn something.

The benefits

If I have to fall back on current events regularly, because otherwise I have no inspiration, what is the point of my blog? Isn’t it time that you think carefully about your blog, instead of spending time on current events?

Should I not blog about current topics at all?

Of course, but only if these events fit your blog. Is it beneficial to blog about MH17? Rarely. Is it beneficial to blog about Farmer Wants a Wife? Sometimes. Is New Year’s Eve interesting enough? Yes!

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