Bill Bradford Vice President, Information Technology

contact name: Bill Bradford
contact job function details: information technology
contact job function: information_technology

contact job title: Vice President, Information Technology

contact job seniority: vp

contact person city: Lake Forest

contact person state: Illinois

contact person country: United States

contact person zip code:

business name: Akorn, Inc

business domain:

business facebook URL:

business linkedin:,

business twitter:

business website:

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business angellist:

business found year: 1948

business city: Lake Forest

business zip code: 60045

business state: Illinois

business country: United States

business language: English

business employee: 596

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business category: pharmaceuticals

business specialty: contract manufacturing, injectables, research, business development, serialization, acute care, specialty therapeutics, ophthalmology, quality assurance, pharmaceuticals

business technology: google_analytics,css:_font-size_em,nginx,omniture_adobe,addthis,office_365,adobe_tag_management,asp_net

business description: Akorn is a niche generic pharmaceutical company engaged in the development, manufacture and marketing of multi-source and branded pharmaceutical products in the areas of ophthalmology,retina, antidotes, anti-infectives, and controlled substances for pain management and anesthesia in the United States and across the globe.


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