Basic concepts to understand it

I know it sounds like fiction, but that’s what’s happening on the Web right now . The books are the individual sites, the chapters are the respective web pages, and the endless document is the index you access every time you perform a search on any search engine. As of November 2016, the number of individual pages registered in Google’s index exceeded 130 trillion. Not bad for little spiders!

Now, what is Googlebot?

Googlebot is the name given to these “robot spiders.” Every search engine has its own robots, so Googlebots are unique to Google. The job of these diligent spiders is to crawl through updates to existing pages and find new pages to rank and enter into the index.

Having our pages and updates registered in this index is the first step in building our visibility and positioning on the Web.


In English, the word “crawl” refers to the slow movement with which certain insects move. In our context, crawling is the process carried out by search engines to identify and classify web pages. Thus, “crawler” is another way of referring to robots (which is quite ironic, since these spiders are not slow at all).

Crawling is done periodically to identify updated content, obsolete links, etc.


“Index” means “index” in English. Every time a Googlebot visits a web page, it indexes it, that is, it includes it in the index. And every time you perform a search, the search engine goes to the part of the index where this page is located and assigns it a position, which depends on an algorithm.


Performing a search is like asking a search engine something. You don’t need millions of answers, you just need one or a few that give you the right information. That’s what algorithms are for, which determine the positioning of a page with respect to a specific search.

The more than 200 factors that the algorithm takes into account to make this decision are secret. However, there are SEO techniques that help improve organic positioning in search engines.


This is the rating that Google gives to each web page depending on its relevance and is done on a scale of 0 to 10. To define this rating, Google measures the quantity, quality and context of the clicks that each page receives.

So, if there are links pointing to your page from other pages with a high PageRank, this will transfer value to your page. A high PageRank influences your positioning in search results.


This is the XML file that is hosted on your website’s server, and in which you show the pages of your site to search engines . It also serves to provide information to Google in the form of metadata about the types of content included on the pages, how often they are updated, their importance in relation to other URLs on the site, etc.

This document makes it easier for Googlebots to crawl pages.

How does Googlebot work?

The crawling process starts with web addresses cambodia mobile database crawled in the past and sitemaps provided by webmasters. As these little robot spiders crawl through sites, they use the links on them to discover other pages. In this way they identify new sites, changes and obsolete links, and use this information to update Google’s index. Each time Googlebot finds a page, it analyzes its content, indexes it and includes it in its path to periodically review it. The frequency with which this robot crawls each page depends on its pagerank (the higher the pagerank, the more frequently). In addition to web pages (HTML), Googlebot can index PDF, XLS and DOC files.

There are two versions of Googlebot:


It is a type of robot spider that specializes in finding new content, so it frequently visits sites that are constantly updated, such as news sites.


It is responsible for analyzing each page in depth, following each of its links, caching the pages it finds and making them visible to the search engine.


Come, little spider, little spider…

If you’re wondering, “So, how do I get Googlebot to crawl my pages?”, here are some tips to make it easier for them to access their pages:

  • Create fresh, high-quality content.
  • Constantly updated.
  • Add links to your social networks. Bots will find your pages through them.
  • Do link building.
  • Create a fluid structure that allows for weed out bad Data to make better business decisions easy navigation through each page of your site.
  • Avoid using Flash and other non-accessible forms of programming.
  • Create a sitemap. If your site is built on WordPress, you only need to install one of the plugins to generate it. This must be registered in Google Webmaster Tools.
  • Add your website to quality social bookmarks like Delicious, Digg or Stumbleupon.
  • Take care of the technical quality of your site: loading speed, responsive design, etc.
  • Use robots.txt. This file is used to block indexing of URLs that you do not want to index.

To find out when Googlebot last visited your page, simply access the cached version. At the top you will see the date and time at which it visited.

A final reflection

Knowing how search engines work and the b2c fax function of Googlebot is important to know how to better position our content. The most important key is to always think about the user, providing ease and value in all aspects: from content to navigation .

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