Here are five ways to find negative keywords for your PPC campaigns:
Keyword Research
Start with basic keyword telegram data research using a keyword research tool.
This helps you see what people are searching for in your niche. And discover thousands of keyword ideas.
Start by entering your campaign’s primary keyword into the Keyword Magic Tool . Then, select your location and click ” Compare .”
You’ll get a list of keyword ideas based on your seed keyword. And useful metrics like average monthly search volume, search intent (the reason a searcher is searching for), cost per click (CPC) , and more.
Write down all keywords (or parts of keywords) that are irrelevant to your campaign.
For example, if you own a premium shoe store, you may encounter irrelevant search terms like “cheap shoes,” “shoes outlet,” or “secondhand shoes.”
All of these are possible negative keywords.
Discover new ad group ideas
with the Keyword Manager tool
View competitor offers
Competitors (and indirect competitors) may how to make images smaller in obsidian bid on keywords similar to yours, but not exactly relevant to your brand.
Therefore, your keyword lists can be a good inspiration for negative keywords.
You can analyze a competitor’s PPC keywords with Semrush’s Advertising Research tool.
Enter a rival domain, choose your country and click ” Search “.
Next, scroll down to the “Paid Search Positions” table.
In our example, we have analyzed a discount shoe retailer.
From these results, a luxury shoe retailer might choose negative keywords like “discount boots” and “nike kids sale.”
Discover your competitors’ search ads
with the Advertising Research Tool
Manually search on Google
If you don’t want to use a negative keyword tool, you can search manually on Google.
Simply search for a term related to the ad you want, and then scan the results page for irrelevant terms.
For example, if you sell professional mountain bikes, search for “mountain bikes.”
You may notice irrelevant keywords like “emountain” or “recreational bikes”.
And add the unrelated keywords to your negative keywords list.
Google’s autocomplete feature can also help you identify negative keywords.
Start typing your primary keyword to see a drop-down list of related terms people are searching for:
In this example, you could add “mountain bikes decathlon” and “mountain bikes walmart” to your list.
They are probably not relevant for professional mountain bikers.
Add another letter after your keyword to see even more suggestions:
Check out Google Keyword Planner
Google Keyword Planner is a keyword research tool from Google. And it can help you find negative keywords.
In the main menu, click on ” Discover new keywords “.
Next, enter your seed keyword and click ” Get Results .”
You will see a list of keywords.
Find any keywords that are irrelevant to your campaign and add them to your negative keyword list.
Read more: Google Keyword Planner: How to Use It for SEO and PPC
Analyze the Google Ads search terms report
The Google Ads Search Terms report shows a list of queries used by people who triggered your ad.
You can see it in your Google Ads account under ” Campaigns ” > ” Insights & reports ” > ” Search terms “.
While browsing, you may encounter search terms that are not relevant to your campaign.
For example, in this case, we can see “winter shoes for dogs” and “do dogs need shoes?”.
From here, you can add negative keywords directly to an ad group or campaign, to an existing negative keyword list, or to a new list.
How to use negative keywords in Google Ads
After identifying negative keywords singapore number for your campaigns, it’s time to add them to your Google Ads account.
Here’s how:
Add negative keywords from the search terms report
In your Search Terms report, check the boxes next to the keywords you want to add as negative keywords.