What does using https imply?

Today, it is a symbol of professionalism and security, precisely. If while browsing you find websites. E-commerce that do not use this protocol. It is special database better to abandon. Especially if they ask for your personal data or anything else. There are various What does types of https. These are in fact differentiated by the type of certificate used. The difference is not in the technology with which it is implemented. But by the authority that provides the service of creating the certificate. Defined as CA (Certification Authority).

DV (Domain Validated) SSL

Certificates are issued after a short verification free events for internet marketers in june 2019 based. Domain owner; data entered in the request form. As an additional check. CAs often send an email to the person listed as the administrative contact for the domain to verify the existence of the domain to be certified. OV (Organization Validated) SSL certificates are issued after a longer procedure. That requires the Certification Authority to contact the company that needs to obtain the certificate and request information and documents necessary to demonstrate its real identity and existence. As a prevention against identity theft.

EV (Extended Validated) SSL

Certificates are issued after a validation belgium numbers procedure similar to that of OV SSL certificates. But they also have some features that justify their higher cost. For example, a user who enters a site with an EV SSL Certificate recognizes it immediately and What does knows that he is in a safe place: how does he see it? The address bar, usually white, is green and shows the name of the company. In short, https is and always will be a “secure” protocol for the end user , this is because, as already mentioned, it creates a secure tunnel on the service side and on the visiting user side.


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