The term crash indicates a situation of “sudden blocking/termination”

Can also be associated with other computer aspects. It may have happened to you too to witness. The sudden closing of a program. At that phone number database moment, you are using. Well, this is the typical example of a crashed program. Another situation The term crash that has most likely happened to you: you want to visit a site. But once you open the web page. The message “ error 404, page not found ” appears.

This is another example of a website

Tat has crashed and is therefore no longer google able to discern all that from the on-page content alone? accessible! What to do in these cases? How to proceed? Here are some useful tips. In the event of a program shutting down unexpectedly. You have no choice but to restart the program: – if the “reprogram” is acting up, check if there are updates to install. If the problem persists, then request the assistance of a technician , who will identify the optimal solution to your problem; – if everything works, it means that the software has only taken a momentary “skid”.

If you remembered to save

Your work as you go, you will resume from belgium numbers the last save, otherwise if you have not done this step, the probability that your project has been lost is very high , unless you are using one of those few programs, whose internal memory “resumes” the work table, from the moment just before the crash . In any case, all of this will have served The term crash as a lesson, an important lesson: technology evolves quickly, but it is not free from glitches and therefore, be careful. In the case of a web page there are two suggestions : – if the web page is owned by a third party, you need to wait for the site to be restored ; – if the web page is your property, all you have to do is contact the technician , who will certainly be able to resolve this unpleasant inconvenience.


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