Free webinars on internet marketing in July 2019.

In July, we will make every student’s dream come true – to study without being distracted from the beach and outdoor recreation. The program includes only online events: free webinars, master classes and seminars.

On July 3, Cybermarketing will tell you “ How online stores can survive with the help of Marketplaces.” You will learn how to increase the number of orders in conditions when traffic is becoming less and less. You will get acquainted with the methodology of rough processing of the assortment.

And also, get cases on increasing traffic and profit.

On July 3, Netology will reveal the secret of “ How to use emotional marketing and 360 degree projects.” Here, the secret of what integrated list to data communications and emotional marketing are will be revealed. How to use it correctly and where 360 ​​degree projects will be appropriate.

On July 3, Business Insight is holding a webinar, “Inflow of Clients from Social Networks to Small Businesses.” The speaker promises that after the webinar, each participant will have a plan for creating and designing their own platform on social networks to create a flow of clients and reach a net profit of 100,000 rubles in just 3 days.

On July 4, eLama offers “Increase the efficiency of advertising campaigns using Google Analytics. ” We will study the work of this tool in detail, starting how to create viral content with counter settings and ending with deep traffic analysis.

And we will get ways to solve a common problem when there are clicks, but no sales.

On July 8, eLama invites you to attend a round table where they will discuss “ Changes in Direct. How to optimize conversions with manual bid management.” This feature has been available in Direct since May. eLama and Yandex specialists will explain how conversion optimization works and answer questions from the audience.

On July 9, eLama will analyze “ The main cmo email list mistakes that occur at the stage of launching context in Yandex.Direct and Google Ads. ” Speakers will reveal hidden parameters in Yandex.Direct and Google Ads that can drain the advertising budget. They will show how to correctly set up counters in Metrica and Analytics, create converting ads and test hypotheses.


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