What questions does Performance Max raise

Performance Max is therefore a product that can operate almost autonomously, provided that a few elements (budget, objective, creative assets) are provided to the purchasing platform.

And this raises several questions, at different levels.

Benefit from the power of machine learning to increase performance

This is the premise and the spearhead of the Google teams’ argument. Indeed, with all of Google’s inventories at its disposal, a Performance Max campaign should in theory be able to choose, at a specific iceland phone number library moment, the advertising location likely to generate the most performance, according to the objective you ask it to achieve.

Access to summary and very limited reporting

This is perhaps the most annoying point for account managers, including agencies. Performance Max hides a lot of information compared to what we are used to from the Google Ads platform.

With this campaign format, you do not have access to the details of your performance. By distribution networks, by ads, by search terms, by devices, etc. In short, you have no details. It is therefore very. Difficult to uab directory prove and quantify the incremental contribution of Performance Max when you already activate Google Ads networks elsewhere.

But this state of affairs is understandable from Google’s point of view: the product teams assume. That by adjusting too many parameters manually, by “wanting to do too much” somewhere, advertisers lose business they put customer experience first and performance opportunities… Without detailed visibility, and without the possibility of manually adjusting the campaign, the risk of human error is de facto very limited.

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