There are many obstacles to conversion

Every element of a website has a huge influence on conversion, but nothing interferes more, positively

or negatively, than unnecessary steps and excessive elements .

Popups, banners, forms, and chatbots are just a few examples that, if overused or misapplied, can

undermine user experience and drive away potential customers.

If you use some of these resources on your pages, make sure they are placed naturally and that they

fulfill their objective without “interrupting” the visitor’s process too much, always focusing on the real

objective: conversion .

A study by Hubspot reveals that the ideal form to increase conversions should have only 3 fields of

information . Although it is not a rule, it is something very interesting to keep in mind.

Copywriting is not efficient

Copywriting is about effectively albania phone number list transmitting the message to the user. Its

objective is to guide the user to make the conversion, always taking into account what will be said, how and when.

Good writing requires a structure of content on the page so that it makes sense to the reader ,

considering what their expectations are about the text in question.

Here we separate some precautions to take into account:

  • be pleasant to the public;
  • assess the ease of reading;
  • remove unnecessary information from the page;
  • seek to persuade the user so that their conversion journey is effective.

It is important to remember that the evolution of copywriting for the digital environment is UX

writing, which is a fundamental strategy to ensure that your language is consistent with the arrangement of the elements in the interface.

How to optimize conversion rate?

Now that we have clarified the role the best music festivals in the uk of conversion rate and ROI and

their possible causes, it is time to understand how companies increase their results in practice.

This work is so important that it has gained a dedicated area in Digital Marketing, CRO (Conversion

Rate Optimization).

CRO operations are based on scientific methodology: a hypothesis, formulated on the basis of

research, feedback or benchmarking, is tested taking into account statistical criteria.

Source: @iPullRank

In A/B testing, which is widely used in this type of work, two versions of the same conversion factor

are analyzed, while maintaining the other characteristics of the object of study.

We can use it to refine the design of websites and landing pages , improve user experience, increase

page performance in search engine rankings ( SEO ), or increase sales conversions on product pages or closing emails.

A complete optimization process, therefore, must take into account a series of elements that, together, build the customer experience.

In addition, it must be kept in mind that this work must be done continuously, since the market and the consumer are constantly changing.

What practices contribute to a higher number of conversions?

By looking at the performance of sg number different companies on the Internet and the strategies

adopted by successful brands, we have come up with five tips to help you start improving your optimization strategy as soon as possible.

Let’s see it below!

1. Evaluate the relevance of your content

Quality content is essential – after all, it’s the main element of your website or blog and the reason

people come to your brand. However, there’s no point in investing in professional materials if they

don’t attract the right people.

There are certain inconsistencies in the results that indicate that a blog’s content is not well optimized for conversion. Some of them are:

  • lots of traffic, but little lead generation;
  • good number of clicks on ads, but few closures;
  • growth in the number of leads, but a stable sales conversion rate.

This doesn’t mean that the material you produce is bad, but it does indicate the need to make some changes.

Your content should consider the circumstances, habits, pain points, desires, values, and language of the people who really fit the profile that your company can help: your buyer persona .

2. Align tone of voice and language

In addition to identifying the most relevant topics and issues for your buyer persona, it is necessary to adjust the tone of voice and the language adopted.

It is essential to maintain consistency between the different communication channels and their representatives, that is, your brand must express itself on social networks , blogs and advertisements in the same way .

Today’s consumer sees no barriers between different interaction environments. For them, all points of contact with the company are part of a single experience, which is why it is so important to standardize communication between them.

3. Use persuasion techniques

Persuasion techniques have been part of the marketing routine since its beginnings and are still widely used in various market sectors. Among the resources most used by companies on the Internet, we have:

  • copywriting;
  • mental triggers;
  • neuromarketing .

However, the use of these methods requires caution. Excessive repetition of certain elements tends to reduce their effectiveness, so the use of templates is not recommended.

These resources can be very effective in increasing conversions, but they must be used with caution and, above all, ethically.

4. Invest in good SEO practices

The astonishing rise of Google in recent decades and the growth of companies and professionals in the sector around the world have made SEO a true science within Digital Marketing.

There are numerous strategies, but the basic practices are:

  • research and use relevant keywords;
  • include the keyword in the title, introduction, conclusion and, if possible, in the subtitles;
  • use heading tags (H1, H2, H3);
  • build agile, fast pages adapted to mobile devices ( mobile SEO ).

All of these actions will help your pages achieve better positions in search rankings, favoring your traffic and conversions .

5. Optimize the user experience

Finally, we need to think about the environment in which your content will be presented. Humans are sensitive to various types of visual stimuli, such as colors, shapes, and textures, and are also influenced by the layout of text and other elements on the page.

CRO practices are widely used to identify patterns and design objects that contribute to conversion.

The style of the buttons, the layout of the content, the placement of the banners and images, all of this must be worked on to obtain the best possible performance .

It is also essential that the page is fast and intuitive. Users are generally anxious, and therefore the path to the CTA, your call to action, has to be simple and clear. There is no room for excess when the goal is to increase conversions.

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