Keep a close eye on satisfaction surveys

Quick Answer: When designing a marketing strategy , do you think most about:

  • a) the characteristics of the product or service you want to sell or
  • b) the needs and desires of your target audience?

If you answered a) , it is very likely that you are suffering from a minor vision problem

called marketing myopia . Have you heard of this marketing “disease”?

So read on to find out what it is and how to fix it so you don’t go into planning your strategies in the


Perhaps this article is the ophthalmologist your company needed.

Diagnosis: What is marketing myopia?

This minor vision problem was first vietnam phone number list identified by American economist Theodore Levitt in the 1970s.

When we talk about medicine, nearsighted people are those who can clearly see objects that are very

close, but their vision becomes blurred when it is further away, right?

And in the myopia of marketers, what happens is very similar to that.

Instead of seeing the whole context of the company (or, in some cases, a specific product or service),

the myopic person only sees what is very close to it.

As a result, aspects such as the market scenario or consumer needs end up being neglected.

Symptoms: How do they affect your business?

A simple example of myopia within brands can also find debb on tiktok companies is when they are so

focused on their internal problems that they cannot even define themselves externally in the right way.

This is the case of a company that sells notebooks and their accessories and believes it belongs to the “computer” sector when, in reality, it falls under the “technology” category.

It sounds like a silly mistake, but if we stop and think about it, we notice that the entire target audience (among many other factors!) changes completely from one to the other.

Which means that the company would be focusing its actions on the wrong consumer and, therefore, would be doomed to failure.

Another classic symptom is when the marketing vision begins to be limited to what is close, that is, to the product or service that the company offers.

So much so that they completely forget to consider customer satisfaction or constantly renew their strategies!

When this happens, the result is materials and offers that do not captivate the target consumer at all or, in the worst case, cause repulsion because they contradict their beliefs, values ​​or needs.

Solution: glasses for the company’s vision problem

The good news is that marketing myopia sg number is treatable! Take a look at some attitudes that will serve as glasses for your company to see everything that is important for your success:

The first step here, of course, is to conduct satisfaction surveys, and to do so it is important to check which channels (online or offline) work best for your buyer persona , as well as which questions are most relevant for preparing the questionnaire.

Then comes the part of analyzing the results to understand exactly what is going well or wrong in the relationship between the company and its customers .

By carefully observing that data, you simply won’t see what’s happening outside the company if you don’t want to!

2. Don’t lose sight of online communication channels

After analyzing your satisfaction surveys, don’t forget that consumers also express themselves

spontaneously about your company, without being consulted, especially online!

Several social media monitoring tools can help you monitor what is being said about your business.

Giving space to communication also through these channels – the famous Customer Service 2.0 – is

another essential attitude.

In addition to allowing you to stay alert and respond to negative comments as quickly as possible,

monitoring also helps you identify opportunities in the market.

One example is Nestlé ‘s Lollo chocolate : it was through social media that the company realised that

chocolate (which had been off the market for years) was back in people’s mouths (or keyboards!)

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Nestlé relaunched the product with a campaign aimed at the nostalgia that was being felt on social media.

Result: today it is a best-seller, all because the company knew how to listen to its consumers!

3. Pay attention to the competition

Another classic symptom of marketing myopia in a company is not seeing what the competition is doing.

As a result, they end up getting a scare, an unexpected stock appears, and competitors snatch away sales that could have been their business.

To avoid this, the solution is to keep an eye on them and analyze your strategies as thoroughly as possible.

Want an example of someone who tripped and almost fell because they didn’t look good in the competition? Hollywood!

With its vision entirely limited to the film industry — failing to see the broader entertainment market

to which it belongs — the giant was nearly decimated by television in its infancy.

At that point, the first question that arose was: why would anyone leave the house to watch something

when they could now do so from the comfort of their own couch, in their pajamas and all?

Fortunately, the diagnosis of myopia was made in time, and Hollywood was soon able to recover with laser surgery, never to lose its direct and indirect competitors.

4. Correct employees’ vision too

If “true” myopia isn’t contagious, when it comes to marketing, it can be.

So, it is necessary to prevent it from spreading from one employee to an entire sector by quarantining

the entire department!

It is not enough for one person or another to wear glasses that correct the problem. All employees

must be constantly alert to all the factors surrounding the company.

Since everyone works individually to avoid group myopia, the company is much more likely not to

miss a particle of the iceberg that seems small from afar, but can sink the entire business if not avoided in time.

With that in mind, read the following article now and discover the profile of the ideal marketer of the 21st century and how to cultivate their 10 essential skills .

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