Data collection is essential, but it only allows the company to achieve good results if it is carried out in
a strategic and planned manner.
It is essential to have good terms and, above all, to know what to do during these efforts.
Nowadays, in addition to structuring an effective practice, it is necessary to pay attention to the
requirements of each country’s laws regarding data protection and management , that
is, to carry out this work with respect for the public and committing to the proper treatment of information.
Next, you will understand what aspects should guide data collection and how to develop this strategic process in general terms.
Learn what the objectives of the collection are
Why does your company collect data? As simple united kingdom phone number list as this question may seem, it needs to be answered several times each time this work is done.
There are several important objectives that can be prioritized, for example:
- understand more about consumer expectations;
- know the public’s opinion about the brand, products and services;
- monitor access and activities on websites and e-commerce sites;
- analyze reactions and interactions with social media campaigns;
- detect sales data and how it is generated from the audience;
- understand the company’s financial information.
Each of these and several other possible objectives have their importance for a company, so they should be viewed separately, as unique categories.
Each of these objectives can be considered in a single data collection activity, but it is essential to know which ones are relevant to the company, so that the process can generate a strategic analysis and consider segmented actions.
Develop a plan!
Good planning is also essential to los angeles who got his start after streaming ensure that this data collection remains a recurring part of the team’s work agenda.
This activity cannot be treated as one-off and sporadic , as the data has to be monitored frequently.
That’s why it’s so important to plan how activities will be carried out. The responsible team, which is usually marketing, should include data acquisition in their agenda as an important and recurring demand.
This check on the analysis tools should be done daily, as the software will bring updated data daily.
Another important tool is surveys, which are more specific. It is also necessary to plan them and determine how long they will be in progress, in order to be able to collect data later.
Analyze the collected data
The most important part of this work sg number cycle is data analysis. As necessary as it is to have tools capable of monitoring and capturing data, they have no value if they are not properly observed by those who are trained to do so.
The reason for the critical importance of analytics is simple: only this work is capable of transforming data into information.
Without quality analytical work, data will just be empty numbers that, however striking, cannot be truly valuable without proper interpretation.
Just as planning must consider data acquisition, it is also important to position analysis as a decisive step for these activities.
Refining the company’s marketing strategy
A strategic data collection is one that targets important business objectives.
Optimizing marketing strategies is one of the most important possibilities when you have a truly effective data capture and analysis structure.
The reason is precisely because this data will provide key information about the market, the audience and the campaigns in progress.
Based on the indicators collected, it is possible to know the public’s expectations and preferences, as well as understand how they interact with the channels and actions.
This knowledge is extremely valuable for developing increasingly appropriate marketing campaigns and actions, with greater possibilities of impacting the consumer.
Data gradually enables marketing teams to develop refined actions that will be more successful and produce better results.
It is important to note that data collection and analysis is also part of the job of evaluating campaigns as they occur. This allows for timely adjustments and areas for improvement to be detected.
What are the main tools for collecting data?
Data collection is a job that can only be done with the support of specialized tools .
From the simplest and most traditional to the most advanced and indispensable resources, each of them has an important role according to the company’s strategy and objectives.
Learn the main tools and how they work.
Forms are mechanisms that can be used to conduct customer satisfaction surveys.
In a simple way, it is possible to develop a form with questions that can be counted as a percentage, always giving the participant response options.
From this, it is easier to understand the percentage of responses for each alternative.
The primary use of these forms is to understand more specific consumer perceptions . They are commonly used for:
- evaluate an experience on a website (especially e-commerce);
- evaluate satisfaction with a product or service (post-purchase);
- Measure consumer satisfaction with the company’s offerings;
- understand public expectations regarding products and services.
Google Analytics
Google Analytics is today the main data tracking tool used worldwide. It is a tool capable of connecting with marketing automation software , e-commerces, websites, social media pages, among other resources.
From this, Analytics creates dashboards that provide the user with the most important metrics for their strategies.
Free of charge, Analytics can be configured to whatever your Marketing team wants.
It is therefore possible to create a dashboard that primarily displays the information that matters most. Data collection is simple, as the platform makes all the metrics available already calculated.
Analytical work is then carried out, which will provide strategic insights.
upMiner is a most advanced data mining software that effectively captures strategic information from various data sources on the web.
It is more focused on Big Data , since it can process a large amount of information, bringing it closer in an unstructured way and allowing you to create graphs and reports for later analysis.
Searching with UpMiner is done with keywords, which can be of the most varied, always with the proposal of creating parameters for decision-making.
The tool has more than 1,900 sources, which will be the basis for these searches depending on the user’s strategy.