contact name: Diane Durand
contact job function details:
contact job function:
contact job title:
contact job seniority:
contact person city:
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contact person zip code:
business name: The Computer Media Group
business domain:
business facebook URL:
business linkedin:
business twitter:
business website:
lebanon 3 million telegram number
business angellist:
business found year: 1975
business city: Ottawa
business zip code: K1G 5L5
business state: Ontario
business country: Canada
business language: English
business employee: 13
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business category: information technology & services
business specialty: advanced print procurement solutions, automated toner fulfillment, managed print services, print infrastructure optimization, designjet service, office print fleet assessment, print acquisition consulting, information technology and services
business technology: google_analytics,apache,php_5_3,magento,outlook,office_365
business description: Default Description