Because it is not always easy to convince your prospects to take action, I wanted to share with you some web editor tips to help you choose the right words on your website.
Optimized words that will allow you to better convey your message to your visitors. And, thus, make them want to contact you or buy your products!
So here are 3 things you need to know to make your website generate more conversions and help you sell better.
Define your WHY
The first step before you start writing the editorial content of your web pages is to define your WHY . Why? Well, quite simply, to know what to say and how to say it.
Indeed, being aware of what you are doing and why you are doing it will help you sell better. By creating a climate of trust and, thus, by directing your message as a SOLUTION . And not as a simple product sheet description.
The idea is actually to create a feeling of identification with your brand through your values, your vision. The reader recognizes himself in the germany phone number library message you convey. We are talking here about brand identity , that is to say the image that your customers have of you, of your brand.
If we take the example of a jewelry designer, she will be able to highlight:
What drives her when she creates her jewelry
Why she likes working with this or that material
What she feels when she discovers a stone that has nothing special in itself, but that she already imagines highlighting in this or that way to create a new jewel
Her message will have an impact on the person who reads it
Her reader will feel an emotion while browsing her site. And this emotion will make him remember this designer the day he wants to buy a db to material piece of jewelry or offer one.
2 – Find the right words to seduce your prospects
Once you are clear on your WHY and how you need to get b2b reviews your message across, the next step is to find the words that will appeal to your target prospects.